
IATA DGTP 2 Edition 49 2025 Bookshelf (6070-49)

Dangerous Goods Training Programme - Book 2

Load Planners and Flight Crew

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Zzgl. 10% MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar
Ausführung: Broschiert, A4

Kategorien: Bücher


Tools for classroom use or distance learning. Produced in accordance with ICAO Technical Instructions, these books will meet the essential training requirements of airlines, schools and other organisations within the industry.

Train employees who must, by law, be instructed on how to transport dangerous goods by air with the following informative series:

  • Book 1 Shippers, Packers, Cargo Agents and Operator
  • Book 2 Load Planners and Flight Crew
  • Book 3 Flight Attendants, Passenger Handling and Screening Staff
  • Book 4 Loading and Warehouse Personnel
  • Book 5 General Acceptance Personnel Module

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