
Elektronische Version
IATA DGR 2025 Edition 66 Francais Bookshelf (6066-66)

Réglementation pour le transport des merchandises dangereuses

Le guide reconnu par les transporteurs du monde entier

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Ausführung: Bookshelf

Kategorien: Bücher


The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) guide is the trusted source to help you classify, mark, pack, label and document dangerous shipments, based on international and national air regulations as well as airline-specific requirements. Recognized by the world’s airlines for over 50 years, the DGR is the most up-to-date, user-friendly reference in the industry.

This book of regulations published by the Association (International Air Transport IATA) is essential for anyone who ships dangerous goods by air. Updated annually to incorporate the latest international regulations. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations is the only user manual for shipping dangerous goods by air recognized by the World’s Airlines–used by more than 200 airlines. Covers every facet of national and international shipping regulations, including a comprehensive Dangerous Goods list detailing Proper Shipping Names and labeling requirements, packing requirements, training guidelines and up-to-date information on shipping forms.

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