
IATA AHM & IGOM Combo 2025 Bookshelf (9420-10)

Airport Handling Manual

The IATA AHM has been developed to assist the industry in the provision of safe, effective and quality services at a lower cost.

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Zzgl. 10% MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar
Ausführung: Broschiert, A4

Kategorien: Bücher


The AHM is a field-reference publication that contains recommended industry standards and procedures covering airside safety, load control, baggage, cargo and mail handling, aircraft movement control, aircraft loading, departure control systems, functional requirements for ground support equipment, an extensive listing of aircraft doors and ground servicing points by aircraft type, as well as the latest IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) amendments.

The IATA Ground Operations manal (IGOM) is your definitive source for the latest industry-wide standards harmonizing ground handling processes and procedures. It is ideal for frontline personnel. The IGOM and  the Airport Handling Manual (AHM) are now stand-alone, independent products which are also available as combos. The IGOM is procedure driven, focusing on “how to do”.

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